What if time
isn’t a line
but a space
What does cultural heritage mean? What do we remember? What makes us unique? Over the course of three weeks, the OUT OF THE BOX FESTIVAL will be a place of discussion and exchange of ideas at various venues in Bavaria, with over 40 concerts and performances aimed at addressing these questions from an artistic perspective. THE RESONANCE OF TIME will take you on a journey towards identity, memory and diversity.
What if memory
isn’t an echo
but a space
The concept behind THE RESONANCE OF TIME began with the notion of cultural heritage and the question regarding what shapes our individual blueprints for identity, along with our sense of belonging to various communities. It is commonly assumed that cultural heritage is a linear process – in which we automatically find our bearings by circumstances of birth or (supposed) cultural roots. As a point of reference, as an anchor – as something unchangeable that we cannot influence because it is, somehow, predetermined by history.
What if we could meet
in this place
any time
THE RESONANCE OF TIME claims otherwise: Namely, that cultural heritage is a three-dimensional space in which we can constantly redefine and reposition ourselves; and in which this realignment is a question of perspectives, of attitude and, last but not least, of chance encounters and influences. Identity is then not destiny, but a decision. A blueprint that we can shape ourselves.
What if history
isn’t a fact
but a reflection
In the meantime, however, the concept behind THE RESONANCE OF TIME has been eclipsed by reality. We are currently witnessing how cultural institutions and artistic scenes are allowing themselves to be dragged into a highly charged and polarised public discourse. We are in the process of losing what art stands for in our society, and what it is compelled to stand for: For withstanding and negotiating complexity and multifacetedness, for tolerance of ambiguity, for an appreciative culture of discourse, for the celebration of diversity. For humanity.
What if cultural heritage
isn’t a trace
but a shattered mirror of the past
THE RESONANCE OF TIME has suddenly adopted an almost radically humanistic approach – in the best sense. For this project, artists from all disciplines from literally all corners of the globe have come together to share with each other the encounters with artistic expression that have personally moulded them into the artists, and therefore the personalities, they are today – regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or religion.
What if memory
isn’t personal
but a shared space
We invite you, our audience, to do the same – to celebrate yourself in all your multifacetedness and contradictoriness and to share your experiences, feelings and memories with us and with each other. With any luck, we will get to create new memories, new encounters, new relationships; lines of connection that link us to the places where we meet, to the people we encounter there and to the art we experience together – and which therefore leave an indelible new trace on our lives.