This year, Out Of The Box also means: out of Munich. Bavaria here we come! Keep reading for a list of venues throughout Bavaria that will host our events:
Alter Speicher,
48.07620° N, 11.97043° E
The Alter Speicher in Ebersberg, east of Munich, is an extraordinary venue that is ideally suited for experimental music and innovative formats. The building complex of the monastery farm is more than 500 years old and was used for agricultural purposes until around 50 years ago. Its architecture creates a unique atmosphere that is particularly fitting for shows that challenge artistic boundaries, and the venue is used for a variety of events, including jazz and cross-genre music performances. The “Genetic Memory” programme by Gregor Hübner will be performed here in cooperation with the Jazzclub Ebersberg. The “Resonance of the Invisible” installation will also be presented here in the monastery yard in front of the Alter Speicher.
Genetic Memory by Gregor Hübner08:00 pmAlter Speicher
Trondheim Voices
Plastique Fantastique
Gregor Hübner
Munich Composers Collective
Pablo Diserens
Christine Yohannes
Ceren Oranwith works by Gregor Hübner, Shuteen Erdenebaatar, Tanya Amelyanenkalntro and Christian Wallumrød and texts by Christine Yohannes
Admission: 7:30 pm Viewing of the installation ‘Resonance of the Invisible’ in the Klosterbauhof from 7:00 pm and following the concert
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
Altes Kino,
48.07855° N, 11.96808° E
The Altes Kino in Ebersberg is a versatile cultural venue with an eventful history as an inn with a stage, cinema and discotheque. In co-operation with the Jazzclub Ebersberg e.V., one of the children’s concerts organised in conjunction with “The Resonance of Time” will be held here.
12.1.Children’s Concert
On the Traces of Memory03:00 pmAltes Kino
Martina Oberhauser
Munich Composers Collective
Trondheim VoicesBased on the workshop concept ‘Body of Memories’ by Ruth Hof, music educator Martina Oberhauser has designed an interactive format for children. She playfully explores with the youngest members of the festival audience how it actually works to create music and sounds for memories. What images come to mind when we think of our memories? And how do we set these images to music? The children themselves become conductors and composers. The Trondheim Voices translate their ideas into music. Just like the ‘grown-up’ composers of the festival do..
Age recommendation: 6 - 9 years
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
document Neupfarrplatz,
49.01866° N, 12.09637° E
At Neupfarrplatz in Regensburg, the two-thousand-year-old history of the city is revealed both above and below ground with the outline of the Jewish synagogue that was destroyed in the 17th century. In the underground documentation centre (“document”), the history of the square is visible between historic walls – the remains of the Jewish quarter from the Middle Ages, originally built on top of ancient cellars dating back to the Roman era. Following the expulsion of the Jews, a chapel, which later became a parish church, was built on the site of the former synagogue. Similar to the “Shevarim – Fractures” composition by Emmanuel Witzthum which will be performed here, a piece that combines the tradition of Jewish prayer horns (known as shofarim) with Christian brass choirs, Jewish and Christian layers of the past and present are here to be found side by side.
Retracing The Echoes of Time, Shevarim - Fractures (Witzthum)06:00 pmdocument Neupfarrplatz
Trondheim Voices
Martina Taubenberger
Emmanuel Witzthum
Munich Composers Collective“Retracing The Echoes of Time” is the title of a vocal improvisation created by six singers from Trondheim Voices and Martina Taubenberger, and is based on recordings of conversations with participants of the “Body of Memories” workshop which will be held in tandem with the festival.
The concert begins at the ‘Place of Encounter’ by Israeli sculptor Dani Karavan on the foundations of the medieval synagogue on Neupfarrplatz. From there, visitors go to the excavation site ‘document Neupfarrplatz’ for the second part of the concert.
As the number of visitors is limited, we are offering three concert dates at 5.00 pm, 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm.
Programme: "Shevarim - Fractures" by Emmanuel Witzthum with the brass players of Munich Composers Collective (world premiere) "Retracing the Echoes of Time" by Martina Taubenberger and Trondheim Voices
The event is a co-operation between the Out Of The Box festival and the city of Regensburg.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
Retracing The Echoes of Time, Shevarim - Fractures (Witzthum)05:00 pmdocument Neupfarrplatz
Trondheim Voices
Martina Taubenberger
Munich Composers Collective
Emmanuel Witzthum“Retracing The Echoes of Time” is the title of a vocal improvisation created by six singers from Trondheim Voices and Martina Taubenberger, and is based on recordings of conversations with participants of the “Body of Memories” workshop which will be held in tandem with the festival.
The concert begins at the ‘Place of Encounter’ by Israeli sculptor Dani Karavan on the foundations of the medieval synagogue on Neupfarrplatz. From there, visitors go to the excavation site ‘document Neupfarrplatz’ for the second part of the concert.
As the number of visitors is limited, we are offering three concert dates at 5.00 pm, 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm.
Programme: "Shevarim - Fractures" by Emmanuel Witzthum with the brass players of Munich Composers Collective (world premiere) "Retracing the Echoes of Time" by Martina Taubenberger and Trondheim Voices
The event is a co-operation between the Out Of The Box festival and the city of Regensburg.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
Retracing The Echoes of Time, Shevarim - Fractures (Witzthum)07:00 pmdocument Neupfarrplatz
Trondheim Voices
Martina Taubenberger
Emmanuel Witzthum
Munich Composers Collective“Retracing The Echoes of Time” is the title of a vocal improvisation created by six singers from Trondheim Voices and Martina Taubenberger, and is based on recordings of conversations with participants of the “Body of Memories” workshop which will be held in tandem with the festival.
The concert begins at the ‘Place of Encounter’ by Israeli sculptor Dani Karavan on the foundations of the medieval synagogue on Neupfarrplatz. From there, visitors go to the excavation site ‘document Neupfarrplatz’ for the second part of the concert.
As the number of visitors is limited, we are offering three concert dates at 5.00 pm, 6.00 pm and 7.00 pm.
Programme: "Shevarim - Fractures" by Emmanuel Witzthum with the brass players of Munich Composers Collective (world premiere) "Retracing the Echoes of Time" by Martina Taubenberger and Trondheim Voices
The event is a co-operation between the Out Of The Box festival and the city of Regensburg.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
47.87969° N, 10.62112° E
The Protestant Dreifaltigkeitskirche (Holy Trinity Church) was built in 1604 by extending and renovating a prestigious villa that once belonged to Emperor Maximilian 1st of Habsburg. This is why it also used to be referred to as the “Imperial House”. Layers of history overlap here, making this church a natural choice to host “The Resonance of Time”. The two works “Cantus Caliginosus/Lass mich deine Leiden singen” and “Bells”, which Henning Sieverts wrote in 2014 for the TONSPUREN festival in the nearby Irsee Monastery, will be performed in the Dreifaltigkeitskirche. The Kaufbeuren-Irsee sanatorium and nursing home was actively involved in the “euthanasia” of mentally and physically ill patients from 1939 to 1945. “Cantus Caliginosus/Lass mich deine Leiden singen” is a musical exploration of the history of euthanasia at the Irsee and Kaufbeuren monastery during the Nazi era, thereby recalling a harrowing chapter of Germany’s past.
27.1.Children’s Concert
Bells & Shevarim03:00 pmDreifaltigkeitskirche
Martina Oberhauser
Munich Composers Collective
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Henning SievertsThe composer Henning Sieverts has written a piece that translates the church bells of the Irsee monastery church into an orchestra. This in turn inspired the composer Emmanuel Witzthum to write something for brass quartet - a piece reminiscent of the Jewish Shofar prayer horns. Both are sounds that come from a religious background and have something to say to us.
Why do composers do this? And how does it work - transferring bells to violins and natural horns to trumpets and trombones?
Music educator Martina Oberhauser goes in search of clues with children and their parents and with all those who are young and curious and explores in an interactive concert format what messages are hidden in this special music of ‘Bells’ and ‘Shevarim’.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Reservations are requested.
Casting Light on the Shards of Time (Sieverts & Witzthum), The Patience of Trees (Tabakova)08:00 pmDreifaltigkeitskirche
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Henning Sieverts
Emmanuel Witzthum
Munich Composers Collective
Gregor Hübner
Hugo Ticciati
Christine Yohannes
Dobrinka TabakovaShuttle bus available
Programme (among others): "Casting Light on the Shards of Time" with works by Henning Sieverts and Emmanuel Witzthum "The Patience of Trees" by Dobrinka Tabakova
We offer a shuttle service from Munich for the concert in Kaufbeuren. The shuttle starts at 4:30 pm at the Werksviertel in Munich. Before the concert starts, there is the possibility to have a bite to eat in Kaufbeuren. The return journey takes place immediately after the concert.
The shuttle bus costs €65 per person. The price includes the journey to the concert venue and back as well as the ticket price.
For all other concert-goers, a freely selectable admission price applies, which is paid on leaving the event. Booking is requested.
48.1223° N, 11.6205° E
The Flüsterkneipe bar is the latest addition to the ensemble of venues at Werksviertel-Mitte Kunst. The Flüsterkneipe gained legendary status thanks to a series of non-openings and pre-openings in 2023 and 2024. Incidentally, the name can be traced back to the speakeasies during the Prohibition era in the USA, or – closer to home – to the “whisper bars” in Berlin after 1989. Both terms refer to illegal or unofficial bars where alcohol was clandestinely served. Needless to say, the Flüsterkneipe is not illegal, but it was never officially opened. Ideally equipped as a music venue, it is now mainly used as a rehearsal room for choirs and bands, for yoga classes, art workshops, dance evenings and, of course, for concerts.
Body of Memories01:00 pmFlüsterkneipe
Ruth Hof
What sounds, what music do we associate with our childhood? With our first love? What sounds do we miss? What would we like to turn down in our lives? What do we remember and with which senses do we experience these memories?
The artist Ruth Hof has developed a special poetic workshop format for the Out Of The Box 2025 festival that takes participants on a journey into their own memories. Our audience is invited to reflect on these questions for themselves. Or to discuss them with each other and with us. The afternoon will be an introduction to the Out Of The Box festival and the theme THE RESONANCE OF TIME.
Participation in the ‘Body of Memories’ workshop is possible at any time between 3 and 6 pm, admission is free. The results and recordings of the workshop will flow directly into the artistic work of the festival.
21.1.Pop-Up #2
with Moving Borders and Sissel Vera Pettersen07:00 pmFlüsterkneipe
Moving Borders
Sissel Vera Pettersen
Ceren OranThe pop-up concerts are the surprise package at the Out Of The Box 2025 festival. Nobody knows what exactly will happen - not even the artistic director. The basic principle of the festival is encounters. At the pop-up concerts, all artists are invited to take part who happen to be on site at the time. They rehearse together for a day and develop a spontaneous programme that is made up of improvisation, interaction and the artistic source material of THE RESONANCE OF TIME's programmes.
The audience will witness a unique artistic encounter of this kind.
At Pop-Up #2, the dancers of "Moving Borders" and singer Sissel Vera Pettersen from the Trondheim Voices will meet.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
24.1.Artist Talk
07:00 pmFlüsterkneipe
Golfam Khayam
Haleh Seyfizadeh
Hugo Ticciati
Martina Taubenberger
Christine Yohannes
Gregor HübnerArtistic director Martina Taubenberger talks to the composers and soloists of the festival about their own approach and handling of the festival theme THE RESONANCE OF TIME and about the meaning and the various (inter)cultural dimensions of the term ‘cultural heritage’.
Admission is free. Booking is requested.
30.1.Installation Opening
Body of Memories06:00 pmFlüsterkneipe
Ruth Hof
The starting material for the artistic explorations of The Resonance of Time are memories, sounds and stories that are collected by the artist Ruth Hof as a ‘Body of Memories’ in the run-up to and during the entire festival. At the end of the festival, this collection of memorabilia will be exhibited in an interactive installation in the Flüsterkneipe in the Werksviertel-Mitte in Munich, inviting visitors to reflect on and exchange ideas about their own memories, history and the concept of cultural memory.
Body of MemoriesFlüsterkneipe
Ruth Hof
The starting material for the artistic explorations of The Resonance of Time are memories, sounds and stories that are collected by the artist Ruth Hof as a ‘Body of Memories’ in the run-up to and during the entire festival. At the end of the festival, this collection of memorabilia will be exhibited in an interactive installation in the Flüsterkneipe in the Werksviertel-Mitte in Munich, inviting visitors to reflect on and exchange ideas about their own memories, history and the concept of cultural memory.
Opening hours Thursday (opening): 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Friday: 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm Saturday and Sunday: 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Haus Marteau,
Lichtenberg (Upper Franconia)
50.38864° N, 11.67218° E
Ever since 1982, the administrative region of Upper Franconia has been running an international music centre in the home (which is now subject to a preservation order) of the then internationally renowned violin virtuoso Henri Marteau (1874-1934) just outside Bayreuth. Concerts and masterclasses for the upcoming generation of budding international musicians are held here. Henri Marteau built the villa as a family residence in 1912, where he taught young musicians from Europe and the USA. During his career, he performed on major stages throughout the world and taught in Geneva and Berlin, among other places. Even after its conversion to a venue where musicians come together, the special atmosphere of the artist’s villa was preserved. Henri Marteau’s workroom, now referred to as the “master room”, remained unchanged. The newly constructed subterranean concert hall is in stark contrast to this relic from the past, impressing visitors with its excellent acoustics and breathtaking architecture. Thanks to its various “layers”, Haus Marteau is the ideal spot to host “The Resonance of Time”.
The Patience of Trees (Tabakova)08:00 pmHaus Marteau
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Plastique Fantastique
Pablo Diserens
Hugo Ticciati
Dobrinka Tabakovawith works by Dobrinka Tabakova and others
The installation ‘Resonance of the Invisible’ is open from 7:00 pm. Admission to the concert: 7:30 pm
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
Heilig-Geist-Spital St. Anna,
47.81499° N, 10.89891° E
The baroque church of St. Anne stands on the site of a former monastery in Schongau, Upper Bavaria. Nowadays rarely used as a sacred space, it is in need of renovation. Possible future uses for the church are regularly discussed in the town of Schongau. During its long history, however, the church was not only used as a place of worship, but also served as a warehouse, among other things. After a long struggle in the early 19th century, plans for its demolition were scuppered. Any possible future uses for the church will undoubtedly be inspired by the eventful history and cultural heritage of the site.
Retracing The Echoes of Time08:00 pmHeilig-Geist-Spital St. Anna
Trondheim Voices
Gregor Hübner
Martina Taubenberger
Christine Yohannes
Andreas Wiesmann“Retracing The Echoes of Time” is the title of a vocal improvisation created by six singers from Trondheim Voices and Martina Taubenberger, and is based on recordings of conversations with participants of the “Body of Memories” workshop which will be held in tandem with the festival.
For the concert in the Heilig-Geist-Spitalkirche St. Anna, the Out Of The Box festival joins forces with the Schongau parish community's concert series ‘Musik zum Tagesausklang’. The Schongau organist and church musician Andreas Wiesmann will be taking part.
The event is a co-operation between the Out Of The Box festival and the Schongau parish community with the kind support of the town of Schongau.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
Klosterkirche St. Georg Raitenhaslach,
48.12882° N, 12.78773° E
Despite its rather sober exterior, the overwhelming interior of the late-baroque pilaster church is a joy to behold. Numerous redesigns culminated in a late-baroque interior that was meticulously planned down to its most minute detail to mark the monastery’s 600th anniversary in 1746. After the monastery was dissolved, the church was rededicated as the parish church of St. George in 1806. Steeped in history, the church is an ideal venue for the performances of “Casting Light on the Shards of Time” with works by Henning Sieverts and Emmanuel Witzthum, and “Mirror Memory” by Golfam Khayam.
Casting Light on the Shards of Time (Sieverts & Witzthum) and others08:00 pmKlosterkirche St. Georg Raitenhaslach
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Henning Sieverts
Emmanuel Witzthum
Golfam Khayam
Haleh Seyfizadeh
Plastique Fantastique
Pablo Diserens
Munich Composers Collective
Hugo Ticciati
Christine Yohannes
Gregor HübnerShuttle bus available
Part I (Klosterkirche St. Georg Raitenhaslach) "Casting Light on the Shards of Time" with works by Emmanuel Witzthum and Henning Sieverts
Part II (Aula maior, Kloster Raitenhaslach) "Mirror Memory" by Golfam Khayam
Between the two parts of the concert, there will be an opportunity to view the installation ‘Resonance of the Invisible’ by Plastique Fantastique (Marco Canevacci and Yena Young) and Pablo Diserens.
The installation will also be open before the concert from 7:00 pm.
We offer a shuttle service from Munich for the concert in Burghausen. The shuttle starts at 4:00 pm at the Werksviertel in Munich. Before the concert starts, there is the possibility to have a bite to eat in Burghausen. The return journey takes place immediately after the concert.
The shuttle bus costs €65 per person. The price includes the journey to the concert venue and back as well as the ticket price.
For all other concert-goers, a freely selectable admission price applies, which is paid on leaving the event. Booking is requested.
Moosach (close to Grafing)
48.03036° N, 11.87467° E
Its reputation as a platform for experimental theatre forms and cultural mediation has catapulted the Meta Theater to an important player in the theatre world. Founded in 1980 by Axel Tangerding, its innovative approach is illustrious. Inspired by pioneers of the theatre world such as Ellen Stewart (La MaMa Theater in New York) and Jerzy Grotowski (Teatr Laboratorium in Poland) as well as Bauhaus aesthetics, it fuses architecture, craftsmanship and artistic diversity in a unique way. The Meta Theater has already cooperated with Werksviertel-Mitte Kunst in the past. It regularly hosts performances, readings and artistic projects that merge language, music and movement in impressive visual productions.
Body of Memories03:00 pmMeta-Theater
Ruth Hof
What sounds, what music do we associate with our childhood? With our first love? What sounds do we miss? What would we like to turn down in our lives? What do we remember and with which senses do we experience these memories?
The artist Ruth Hof has developed a special poetic workshop format for the Out Of The Box 2025 festival that takes participants on a journey into their own memories. Our audience is invited to reflect on these questions for themselves. Or to discuss them with each other and with us. The afternoon will be an introduction to the Out Of The Box festival and the theme THE RESONANCE OF TIME.
Participation in the ‘Body of Memories’ workshop is possible at any time between 3 and 6 pm, admission is free. The results and recordings of the workshop will flow directly into the artistic work of the festival.
14.1.Pop-Up #1
with Moving Borders, Gregor Hübner and others07:00 pmMeta-Theater
Moving Borders
Gregor Hübner
Trondheim Voices
Christine Yohannes
Ceren Oran
Marianna Sangita Angeletaki RøeThe pop-up concerts are the surprise package at the Out Of The Box 2025 festival. Nobody knows what exactly will happen - not even the artistic director. The basic principle of the festival is encounters. At the pop-up concerts, all artists are invited to take part who happen to be on site at the time. They rehearse together for a day and develop a spontaneous programme that is made up of improvisation, interaction and the artistic source material of THE RESONANCE OF TIME's programmes. The audience will witness a unique artistic encounter of this kind.
Pop-Up #1 will bring together the dancers from ‘Moving Borders’, violinist Gregor Hübner, poet Christine Yohannes and singer Marianna Sangita Røe from Trondheim Voices.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
Wallungen08:00 pmMeta-Theater
Jelena Kuljić
Oliver SteidleThe singer and actress Jelena Kuljić and the percussionist Oliver Steidle unite a variety of musical influences in their performances. Their joint programme ‘Wallungen’ combines singing, percussion and improvisation. ‘Wallungen’ stands out due to its intense emotional expressiveness, in which Kuljić's voice creates a lively atmosphere and Steidle's percussion adds an unpredictable, pulsating rhythm.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
48.13290° N, 11.58930° E
The Muffathalle in Munich is a venue with a unique atmosphere, playing host to a wide range of cultural events. As part of the Muffatwerk, a former turbine hall, it combines industrial charm with a modern flair. The hall has ample capacity to host concerts, theatre performances, readings and club nights. The premiere of Golfam Khayam’s piece “Mirror Memory” sees the Out Of The Box festival venture into new venues within Munich, out of the Werksviertel towards the city centre.
48.72802°N, 11.362444°E
The NachtKantine in the Werksviertel-Mitte is the former works canteen and has been a meeting place since Pfanni times. It offers space for different characters and different series of events.
11.1.Festival Opening & World Premiere I
Genetic Memory by Gregor Hübner08:00 pmBuilding site concert hall & TonHalle
Trondheim Voices
Gregor Hübner
Plastique Fantastique
Munich Composers Collective
Pablo Diserens
Christine Yohannes
Ceren Oranwith works by Gregor Hübner, Shuteen Erdenebaatar, Tanya Amelyanenkalntro and Christian Wallumrød and texts by Christine Yohannes
World premiere of the composition ‘Genetic Memory’ by Gregor Hübner
Admission: 7:30 pm Tour of the installation ‘Resonance of the Invisible’ on the building site of the new concert hall from 7:00 pm and after the concert
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
48.12324° N, 11.61243° E
The St. Pius Church in Berg am Laim is an important modern religious building that was built in the 1930s together with the surrounding residential area. Thanks to its clear and functional architecture and eye-catching, flat bell tower, it is strikingly different to other churches. Its design is reflective of the architectural style of the era and the church has since become a landmark in the surrounding neighbourhood. The nearby Werksviertel constitutes an interesting contrast to this. By opting for the St. Pius Church to host one of its events, Out Of The Box is also venturing into new spaces in its own neighbourhood for the very first time. One of the children’s concerts will be held here.
26.1.Concert & World Premiere III
Mirror Memory von Golfam Khayam (UA), The Patience of Trees (Tabakova)08:00 pmPiuskirche
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Golfam Khayam
Haleh Seyfizadeh
Hugo Ticciati
Dobrinka Tabakova‘Mirror Memory’ is a joint commission by the Out Of The Box Festival and the O/Modernt Festival in Stockholm, a double concerto for violin and voice. Golfam Khayam wrote the work especially for the O/Modernt Chamber Orchestra, violinist Hugo Ticciati and singer Haleh Seyfizadeh. ‘Mirror Memory’ is based on the tradition of oral tradition, which is deeply rooted in Persian literature and music, and combines this with characteristics of contemporary music and elements of improvisation - like a memory that rises from the depths of the past and is constantly reflected and charged with new meanings on its journey through time and culture.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Reservations are requested.
26.1.Children’s Concert
Bells & Shevarim03:00 pmPiuskirche
Martina Oberhauser
Munich Composers Collective
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Henning SievertsThe composer Henning Sieverts has written a piece that translates the church bells of the Irsee monastery church into an orchestra. This in turn inspired the composer Emmanuel Witzthum to write something for brass quartet - a piece reminiscent of the Jewish Shofar prayer horns. Both are sounds that come from a religious background and have something to say to us.
Why do composers do this? And how does it work - transferring bells to violins and natural horns to trumpets and trombones?
Music educator Martina Oberhauser goes in search of clues with children and their parents and with all those who are young and curious and explores in an interactive concert format what messages are hidden in this special music of ‘Bells’ and ‘Shevarim’.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Reservations are requested.
47.63857° N, 13.01807° E
The naturally formed salt healing tunnel is located in the Berchtesgaden salt mine, which is still in use. This venue features terraces surrounding a brine pool with concentrated natural salt and a fountain, and boasts excellent acoustics. The salt-laden air creates a maritime climate underground, which has a healing and relaxing effect. This location combines the very best of nature and culture with a slice of Bavarian industrial history. Visitors claim that the healing tunnel is a place where they lose all track of time.
17.1.Concert & World Premiere II
Retracing The Echoes of Time04:30 pmSalzheilstollen
Trondheim Voices
Shuttle bus available
“Retracing The Echoes of Time” is the title of a vocal improvisation created by six singers from Trondheim Voices and Martina Taubenberger, and is based on recordings of conversations with participants of the “Body of Memories” workshop which will be held in tandem with the festival.
For the concert in the Heilstollen, there are reclining and seated places available. Reclining seats cost 30.00 euros. The ticket price for the seats is freely selectable and is paid on leaving the event.
Please note that the temperature in the Heilstollen is 13 degrees. Warm clothing is therefore required. You are also welcome to bring your own blanket. The reclining seats are equipped with a blanket.
Slippers or thick socks must be worn in the Heilstollen. Slippers are available at the venue. However, you are also welcome to bring your own slippers.
For the concert in Berchtesgaden we offer a shuttle service from Munich. The shuttle starts at 1:30 pm in the Werksviertel in Munich. We will be back by 8:30 pm at the latest.
The shuttle bus costs €65 per person. The price includes the journey to the concert venue and back as well as the ticket price.
Studienkirche St. Michael,
48.60547° N, 13.46686° E
Passau is the place where three rivers – the Danube, Ilz and Inn – merge, just like the way cultures have been merging in the cathedral city down through the centuries. St. Michael’s used to be the church of the former Jesuit College in the Lower Bavarian city and is now used as the study church of the Leopoldinum School. As a building that has been preserved for over four centuries, the church itself is a “resonating body” of time that renders visible the connection between cultural heritage and contemporary cultural practices. The generous proportions and august atmosphere of the church create an ideal venue for the performances of “Casting Light on the Shards of Time” with works by Henning Sieverts and Emmanuel Witzthum, and “The Patience of Trees” by Dobrinka Tabakova.
Casting Light on the Shards of Time (Sieverts & Witzthum), The Patience of Trees (Tabakova)08:00 pmStudienkirche St. Michael
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Emmanuel Witzthum
Henning Sieverts
Munich Composers Collective
Hugo Ticciati
Gregor Hübner
Christine Yohannes
Dobrinka TabakovaShuttle bus available
Programme (among others): "Casting Light on the Shards of Time" with works by Henning Sieverts and Emmanuel Witzthum "The Patience of Trees" by Dobrinka Tabakova (German premiere)
We offer a shuttle service from Munich for the concert in Passau. The shuttle starts at 4:00 pm at the Werksviertel in Munich. Before the concert starts, there is the possibility to have a bite to eat in Passau. The return journey takes place immediately after the concert.
The shuttle bus costs €65 per person. The price includes the journey to the concert venue and back as well as the ticket price.
For all other concert-goers, a freely selectable admission price applies, which is paid on leaving the event. Booking is requested.
48.22442° N, 11.68232° E
The whiteBOX in Werksviertel-Mitte – a windowless space and platform for contemporary art forms, including media art, street art, sound art and performances galore – constitutes the nucleus of the Werksviertel-Mitte programme. The whiteBOX is unique in its role as a place for networking and cultural exchange in the creative hotbed of the Werksviertel, a former industrial area that has evolved into a vibrant cultural quarter. The whiteBOX not only serves as an exhibition space, but also as a meeting point for artists, locals and visitors. Over the course of “The Resonance of Time”, the whiteBOX will be home to the cultural and musical memory of the festival in the shape of “The Reservoir of Sounds”, an immersive audio installation by Ben Miller.
16.1.Installation Opening
The Reservoir of Sounds07:00 pmwhiteBOX
Ben Miller
“The Reservoir of Sounds” will take the form of a sound installation and concert venue rolled into one: The 360-degree immersive audio environment at the whiteBOX in the Werksviertel-Mitte will be open for visitors to experience for two of the festival weeks. Here, the personal memories from the “Body of Memories”, electronic sounds, live performances and recordings of the concerts to be held throughout Bavaria will blend into a constantly growing, daily evolving cosmos of sound and music. This ever-changing remix will be arranged by the sound artist Ben Miller.
For the opening of the installation, Ben Miller is layering the material collected in advance in conversations and sound recordings with the music from the two opening concerts ‘Genetic Memory’ with the Munich Composers Collective and the Trondheim Voices.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
The Reservoir of SoundswhiteBOX
Ben Miller
“The Reservoir of Sounds” will take the form of a sound installation and concert venue rolled into one: The 360-degree immersive audio environment at the whiteBOX in the Werksviertel-Mitte will be open for visitors to experience for two of the festival weeks. Here, the personal memories from the “Body of Memories”, electronic sounds, live performances and recordings of the concerts to be held throughout Bavaria will blend into a constantly growing, daily evolving cosmos of sound and music. This ever-changing remix will be arranged by the sound artist Ben Miller.
Opening hours Tuesday to Thursday: 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm Friday: 5:00 pm to midnight Saturday and Sunday: 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
You can come and go at any time during opening hours and stay as long as you like. Special events are excluded. Please note the starting times here.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
Special events Thursday, 16.01., 7:00 pm - Opening "The Reservoir of Sounds" Saturday, 18.01., 11:00 am - childrens' concert "Auf den Spuren der Erinnerung" Wednesday, 22.01., 7:00 pm - pop-up #3 with Sissel Vera Pettersen and Christine Yohannes Friday, 24.01., ca. 9:30 pm - artist talk with Ben Miller and Emmanuel Witzthum Thursday, 30.01., from 8:00 pm - Finale "The Reservoir of Sounds" with Gregor Hübner, Jelena Kuljic, Oliver Steidle, dem O/Modernt Kammerorchester, Moving Borders and others
You can find the special events separately in the date list.
18.1.Children’s Concert
On the Traces of Memory11:00 amwhiteBOX
Martina Oberhauser
Trondheim VoicesBased on the workshop concept ‘Body of Memories’ by Ruth Hof, music educator Martina Oberhauser has designed an interactive format for children. She playfully explores with the youngest members of the festival audience how it actually works to create music and sounds for memories. What images come to mind when we think of our memories? And how do we set these images to music? The children themselves become conductors and composers. The Trondheim Voices translate their ideas into music. Just like the grown-up composers of the festival do.
Age recommendation: 6 - 9 years
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
22.1.Pop-Up #3
with Sissel Vera Pettersen, Ben Miller and others07:00 pmwhiteBOX
Sissel Vera Pettersen
Ben MillerThe pop-up concerts are the surprise package at the Out Of The Box 2025 festival. Nobody knows what exactly will happen - not even the artistic director. The basic principle of the festival is encounters. At the pop-up concerts, all artists are invited to take part who happen to be on site at the time. They rehearse together for a day and develop a spontaneous programme that is made up of improvisation, interaction and the artistic source material of THE RESONANCE OF TIME's programmes.
The audience will witness a unique artistic encounter of this kind.
At Pop-Up #3, singer Sissel Vera Pettersen from the Trondheim Voices and sound artist Ben Miller will meet in the installation "The Reservoir of Sounds". Pettersen improvises and interacts with the immersive sound installation, which captures and reflects the festival events so far.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
30.1.Pop-Up #4 / Final Installation
The Reservoir of Sounds08:00 pmwhiteBOX
Jelena Kuljić
Ben Miller
Oliver Steidle
Gregor Hübner
Golfam Khayam
Munich Composers Collective
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Haleh Seyfizadeh
Hugo Ticciati
Moving Borders
Christine Yohannes
Ceren OranThe pop-up concerts are the surprise package at the Out Of The Box 2025 festival. Nobody knows what exactly will happen - not even the artistic director. The basic principle of the festival is encounters. At the pop-up concerts, all artists are invited to take part who happen to be on site at the time. They rehearse together for a day and develop a spontaneous programme that is made up of improvisation, interaction and the artistic source material of THE RESONANCE OF TIME's programmes.
Pop-Up #4 is both the finale and the conclusion of the installation ‘The Reservoir of Sounds’ - and a summit meeting of all the festival's soloists. New additions are singer and actress Jelena Kuljic and drummer Oliver Steidle.
The event starts at 8:00 pm and goes on into the night.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.
2.2.Finale & World Premiere IV
The Trace of Echoes by Emmanuel Witzthum07:00 pmwhiteBOX
O/Modernt Kammerorchester
Emmanuel Witzthum
Trondheim Voices
Moving Borders
Ceren Oran
Hugo Ticciati“The Trace of Echoes” is the title of the composition that Emmanuel Witzthum, the composer and artistic co-director of the festival, has written for the finale. Based on a graphic score, this composition gives the performers enormous leeway with regard to interpretation, encouraging them to incorporate and display their myriad of cultural identities. At the same time, this approach poses the major challenge of establishing a common relationship between music, space and time through communication with the other performers, and of finding and inventing themselves as an ensemble in this musical setting. Composed for the Trondheim Voices vocal ensemble, the O/Modernt Chamber Orchestra and the Moving Borders dance ensemble under the direction of the choreographer Ceren Oran, Witzthum’s The Trace of Echoes will mark the climax and conclusion of our joint musical journey known as The Resonance of Time.
The entrance fee is freely selectable and is paid when leaving the event. Booking is requested.